

Diploma in Public Health Technician (PHT)

Responsible for drawing samples from patients and running tests. Public health technicians may operate out of ambulatory clinics or community health services to...


Public Health Assistant (PHA)

The Public Health Assistant will provide direct patient care and support services, under the supervision of a Public Health Nurse or other health care provider.


Professional Diplomain Community Health (CHEW)

To provide opportunities for people to analyse and explore significant community health problems encountered in their daily practice and contribute to the growth...


Junior Community Health Extension Workers (JCHEW)

Prorovides both clinical & community-based duties and while diagnosing and treating common conditions with simple but scientifically sound measures...


Diploma in Health Information Management

The practice of acquiring, analyzing, and protecting digital and traditional medical information vital to providing quality. They maintain the integrity of both...


Diplomain Health Education and Promotion

This involves teaching individuals and giving information to the public to achieve better health. Health promotion motivates individuals to accept behavioral change by...


Medical Laborator Technician(MLT)

Collect samples and perform tests to support doctors and other medical professionals as they detect diseases and treat patients....


Remedial Studies

Continuing medical education plays an essential role in efforts to improve physician performance. This article deals with remedial or personalized physician education.